There’s no use denying it: the reason Joe Biden won the presidential election was because you participated in the #voteforbidensomyfriendklairecanpainthispresidentialportrait campaign! To thank you for upholding democracy and to celebrate Biden’s inauguration, I will mail two free postcards to you. Both postcards will feature a reproduction of one of my newest oil paintings. I will send you two postcards so you have one to keep and one to send to President Biden. You can write him a personal note of congratulations and possibly mention that you have a friend named Klaire who is an excellent artist, and she’d be honored to paint his presidential portrait.
To receive your postcards, please complete the following form. If you are able, you can also donate $1 or so to help offset printing and shipping costs. You are also welcome to sign up for future notifications at the same time.
After you receive your cards, mail your congratulations postcard to President Biden so it arrives on January 20, 2021 or shortly afterwards.
President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
This offer is only available until I run out of postcards, and it requires a shipping address in the United States.
To receive your postcards, please complete the following form. If you are able, you can also donate $1 or so to help offset printing and shipping costs. You are also welcome to sign up for future notifications at the same time.
After you receive your cards, mail your congratulations postcard to President Biden so it arrives on January 20, 2021 or shortly afterwards.
President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
This offer is only available until I run out of postcards, and it requires a shipping address in the United States.
Donate to Help Pay for Printing and Shipping Costs
Please consider donating $1-$5 via PayPal to help cover printing and shipping costs.