Two Brodalisques and Old Fashioned Man Cave on view by appointment at Chloe Gallery in San Francisco, California or via Artsy.
The subjects of her paintings lie in cramped rooms surrounded by game joysticks, fast food, and alcohol, representing the hidden mysteries known as the man cave. This is Klaire’s way of teasing out the male gaze in art.”
-Daria Kasianova, Bird in Flight
Brodalisques Artist Statement
I paint dudes in man caves. In scholarly terms: I create detailed oil on canvas figure paintings of passive masculine forms lounging in mysterious and unknowable environments, purposefully invoking an historic and academic style of art in order to challenge the traditional patriarchal values of Western civilization. Despite the importance of my work, I can’t be serious all the time. To incorporate my sense of humor in my art, I invented the brodalisque, which is a character that combines a “bro” with an “odalisque.” Even though my paintings feature men, they’re not about men. My brodalisques represent men as realistically as idealized nude female bodies in classic artwork represent actual women. I have been told that those famous works of art were about “beauty,” “truth,” and other philosophical ideals pulled out of the wazoos of privileged men who decided they knew how the universe operated, declared that women were inferior, ignored everyone outside of the gender binary, and high-fived their little bros in musty rooms while sipping cognac and feeling up each other’s head-bumps as evidence of their “genius.” Additionally, I’ve been told that if I don’t appreciate the endless parade of undressed women’s bodies rendered by cis-men artists to satiate the male gaze, then I don’t understand art.
To counterbalance these arbitrary gender roles, I painstakingly paint masculine men in the same languid poses of flaccid odalisques, writhing Venuses, and other allegories represented by feminine bodies. If my brodalisques aren’t praised for their form, beauty, and other esoteric artsy themes, then perhaps the purpose and worth of the countless depictions of inactive nude women should be reevaluated. When viewers chuckle at my paintings of reclining men, I hope this encourages them to notice the absurd ways women are usually treated in the art world. I want my paintings to inspire others to observe the lack of representation of women and people of other marginalized genders in everyday life. I paint dudes in man caves because I am a person and it would be great if my community treated me like one.
To counterbalance these arbitrary gender roles, I painstakingly paint masculine men in the same languid poses of flaccid odalisques, writhing Venuses, and other allegories represented by feminine bodies. If my brodalisques aren’t praised for their form, beauty, and other esoteric artsy themes, then perhaps the purpose and worth of the countless depictions of inactive nude women should be reevaluated. When viewers chuckle at my paintings of reclining men, I hope this encourages them to notice the absurd ways women are usually treated in the art world. I want my paintings to inspire others to observe the lack of representation of women and people of other marginalized genders in everyday life. I paint dudes in man caves because I am a person and it would be great if my community treated me like one.
Push play to listen to the audio of the Brodalisques artist statement.